GuB-42 2 months ago

Flooring makes more sense in every case, from years to milliseconds and more. A few reasons:

You want to send a message at exactly 13:00:00, you have a digital clock that doesn't show seconds. What you do is that you watch your clock, and as soon as it goes from 12:59 to 13:00, you press the button. That's also how you set the time precisely by hand. With rounding, that would be 12:59:30, who wants to send a message at precisely 12:59:30 ?

You have a meeting at 13:00:00, you watch the clock to see if you are early or late. With flooring, if you see 13:00, you know you are late. With rounding, you are not sure.

It is common for digital clocks to have big numbers for hours and minutes and small numbers for seconds. If you are not interested in seconds, you can look quickly from afar and you have your usual, floored time. If you want to be precise, you look closer and get your seconds. Rounding the minutes would be wrong, because it wouldn't match the time with seconds. And you don't want clocks with a small display for seconds you may not even see to show a different time than those that don't.

And if you just want to know the approximate time and don't care about being precise to the second, then rounding up or down doesn't really matter.

  • wodenokoto 2 months ago

    I think that’s the problem with the article - that it sticks to its guns.

    It starts with an outrageous statement, goes on to show that it’s actually correct. Then it relates it to similar things and instead of saying “yeah, just like we floor years and hours it makes sense to do it for minutes too, but it was fun to think about” it goes on to say “but for minutes this is bad”

    If it had backtracked and said “flooring is actually the better choice” I would have appreciated the article as a whole much more

    • atoav 2 months ago

      It seems to me many people are so amazed by the fact they for once had an original thought that at this moment they stop caring whether it is actually a good one.

      It is crucial to maintain mental flexibility and one does that by thinking things through, killing your darlings, admitting when ideas are wrong or simply just mediocre. Only because it was me who had an idea doesn't mean I have to defend it at all cost. The idea isn't me.

      • ForOldHack 2 months ago

        I have been staring at this comment for over 2 hours. It is brilliant on so many levels... During that first hour, two people DMed me, and said a couple of my practices are genius.

        I think that this is one of the very most important ideas I have ever read on YC:

        "It is crucial to maintain mental flexibility and one does that by thinking things through."

        • atoav 2 months ago

          Quite a compliment, thanks. I learned this approach in industrial design school, where you're surrounded by a whole class of other people who also have their own ideas. You sketch your ideas and there is a real danger of falling in love with something too quickly and cramping to push it through. And then you realize, it only looked good on paper, or only looked good to you, or to were mistaken about its functionality, proportions, readability or whatnot.

          Those who want to create great things cannot afford to fall into love with them. You can fall into love with a particular problem or question, but not with a specific solution, especially not if you came up with it.

      • circlefavshape 2 months ago

        One of the big downsides of the internet is the cold water it constantly pours on my idea of my own originality. Every time I think of a great idea I find someone else has already thought of it

        (well, almost every time)

        • chii 2 months ago

          > Every time I think of a great idea I find someone else has already thought of it

          that's because an idea's greatness does not come from the creator, but from the other people affected by the idea. And most ideas dont affect anyone.

        • zelphirkalt 2 months ago

          That does not make it a etter or worse idea though. Realistically, most people will only ever have ideas that someone else somewhere else will already have had.

          Does that mean, that the idea is commonly known? Not necessarily.

          It is also still an original idea in terms of you having thought, that was not easily derived from what you know (but probably somehow derived, like all thought likely is).

        • Jerrrry 2 months ago

          Originality does not exist, humans are not capable of purely original thought.

          Closest you can get are unique sentences.

          • circlefavshape 2 months ago

            If this was true then we would all be thought-free, unless every thought a human has thunk originally came from our non-human ancestors

            • Jerrrry 2 months ago

              Collective (un)concious, yes.

              There is no parallel chains of unconnected thought.

              We are barely, rarely more than the sum of our parts on average.

              We have very convincing illusions of free will though - like the apparent exhibition of agency.

      • teaearlgraycold 2 months ago

        I am sure this is not an original thought.

        • prerok 2 months ago

          It may have been for them.

        • atoav 2 months ago

          I could have phrased it as "convinced themselves they had an original thought" but that sounded too cynical even for me.

    • fouronnes3 2 months ago

      Thanks for the feedback. I agree this is how I should have ended the article. If anything, the most important thing with conventions is that we all follow the same ones. So in the end I'm obviously not gonna move all my clocks forward by 30 seconds. This is just how I decided to write the article, but I concede I should have made the tongue-in-cheek tone more explicit.

      • mosselman 2 months ago

        You can still change the ending. It is your article and right now quite a few people will have read it, but if you keep it live for years many more will probably get to read it and there is no reason why you should keep some first version of it online if you think it should’ve been different.

        You wouldn’t leave a v1 of an app online just because it is first

    • snowfarthing 2 months ago

      What I don't get is how he says "we think of year and month as intervals, but it doesn't make sense to think of minutes as intervals" -- and I can't help but wonder "why not?" When we say something happened at 1:35pm, we really mean it happened somewhere on or after 1:35:00pm and before 1:36:00pm. Why is this any less natural than saying "it happened in 2007" or "it happened in July"?

      One of the things that intrigues me about Google's Plus Code addressing system is how it converts longitude and lattitude into "area block intervals" -- the first four digits represent a large area, the next four + three represent a small area, and if you know the large area, you can specify only the latter seven, or if the area is big enough, you could ignore the last three digits after +, or if you're talking about a ranch or a campground, you could even specify just the last three digits. The first four are analogous to "year", the second four to "month", and the last three to "day". This can even be continued into smaller and smaller intervals, just as we can divide a "day" into "hours" and "minutes" and "seconds" and so forth, we can specify smaller and smaller areas with plus codes.

  • mongol 2 months ago

    > With flooring, if you see 13:00 you know you are late

    I always though that you are late from 13:01. Common these days with Teams meetings etc. It seems most people join during the minute from 13:00 to 13:01.

    • viraptor 2 months ago

      Because of how lots of reminders work. There isn't even a good way to tell Google calendar to always notify 1 minute before events - I had to do it through slack integration.

      So instead the reminder usually tells you a meeting will be in 15min which quite often is a useless information. Then the app tells you the meeting started right now and you still need a few seconds to wrap things up and prepare.

      • vel0city 2 months ago

        > There isn't even a good way to tell Google calendar to always notify 1 minute before events

        It's on the calendar settings. Settings for my calendars > Event Notifications. You can set 5 default notification options for all events created on that calendar.

        • quesera 2 months ago

          Multiple notifications are a great feature. I use two: "10 minutes before" and "1 minute before".

          Because 10 minutes is just enough to wrap up something I'm in the middle of, and simultaneously, 10 minutes is well past long enough to get distracted if I'm not already deep in the middle of something. :)

          • usr1106 2 months ago

            Need to check that when I am at my desk. I use 10 minutes and then remind me again in 5 minutes. Which isn't working all too well. If I miss the the first one by a minute, the second one comes 1 minute after the meeting started. So I'll join 2 minutes late. And in our company we take proud in not starting late.

    • cbolton 2 months ago

      Seems like there are important cultural differences in how appointment times are understood. Last week I was talking to a friend living in the Comoros, who mentioned that for them 13:59 is still 13:00 for this purpose.

      • lgrapenthin 2 months ago

        So they ignore minutes entirely and just live in hours?

        • cbolton 2 months ago

          As I understand, they're less stressed about having things at precise points in time and are fine with waiting. I guess they would say something like "13 zero zero" when necessary...

      • falcor84 2 months ago

        I have friends who treat dinner party invitation times in this manner

    • ForOldHack 2 months ago

      Most people are not clear on two concepts: Be prepared, and on time is late. Both of these are not math skills, they are leadership skills.

      Its rather easy to establish a beat, and set two clocks to one clock ( seminar program clocks to USNO standard time, ). After a few hours, even the most inexpensive digital clocks will not vary a second, usually it takes a full day to drift that far.

      Its quite uncommon for everyone to be ready, alert and available on time, even in integrity conversations.

    • flerchin 2 months ago

      I tell my kids this aphorism:

      Early is on-time. On-time is late.

      • andix 2 months ago

        This vastly depends on culture and context.

        We consider it impolite, if you show up for an invitation at someone’s home before the time you were invited for. Many would say it is even impolite to show up less then 5 minutes late, and consider being 10-15 minutes late the best, and up to 30-45 minutes acceptable.

        For a business appointment or doctor's appointment, where there is an assistant that opens the door and a waiting area, it's expected to be early, so that you are already in front of the correct room when the appointment starts.

        • pknomad 2 months ago

          I have a funny anecdote.

          I don't know if it's a Korean thing or my mom-specific thing but she had very strong opinion about being early. For her 15 minutes early == on time. To reinforce this notion, she would set the house clocks later by some random undetermined minutes. The clocks in her home would all differ slightly so you could never tell what time it actually was unless you looked at your phone but you'd know you're little bit early to things for sure. Good times.

          • anonym29 2 months ago

            She didn't by chance serve in the military or a civil auxiliary branch, did she?

            "Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable" was drilled into me while doing Civil Air Patrol back in secondary school (high school) and I habitually set all my clocks 5 minutes ahead, still, to this day.

            • pknomad 2 months ago

              She did not, but I would not be surprised if she picked it up for my granddad (he was in the UDU - precursor to the now ROK UDT/Flotilla).

        • snowfarthing 2 months ago

          I remember a discussion of why it was acceptable and even expected to be late at parties, but for work events, you had to be on time or better yet early, and the general consensus was "when you're doing work, you need to be precise, but when you're doing leisure, it's good to have time to relax while waiting for guests, and for guests not to stress getting there at a precise moment!"

          I strive to be on time for work things, but don't mind being a little late to parties -- and this drives me and my my wife nuts, because my wife wants to be on time for parties.

        • hammock 2 months ago

          It’s an aphorism

          • Dylan16807 2 months ago

            The other person already said that.

            But for anyone living in an area where it's mostly wrong, it's not an aphorism for them.

            You shouldn't nitpick an aphorism. But if it's wrong a sufficiently large amount of the time, rejecting it is fine.

      • mikenew 2 months ago

        Showing up early just makes other people feel like they did something wrong by showing up on time.

        • synecdoche 2 months ago

          It could be argued that people can’t be made to feel anything, apart from pain. How people react, on the other hand, may be quite different.

          • recursive 2 months ago

            True. Probably wouldn't be a very good argument though.

        • flerchin 2 months ago

          Other people's feelings about a dimension don't change the dimension.

          • lxgr 2 months ago

            In a social context, almost everything some people do changes how other people feel.

      • pests 2 months ago

        Depends on the power dynamic and the goals for the meeting, and what position you hold, no?

        • flerchin 2 months ago

          No it does not. Time is not a dimension that changes depending upon power dynamic.

          • lxgr 2 months ago

            Time isn't, but punctuality, as a social as opposed to physical phenomenon, most certainly is.

            • pclmulqdq 2 months ago

              It's disrespectful to be late no matter the power dynamic. In some power dynamics, it's okay to be disrespectful, though.

              • ninalanyon 2 months ago

                If the social group in question regards 13:00 as meaning between 13:00 and 13:10 then arriving at 13:05 is arriving on time and no one is bothered or inconvenienced.

                Being late is not simply a property of the clock time but also of the society you are part of.

                In England arriving early for a dinner party is going to get you at least a dirty look, arriving half an hour late just means that you might miss a pre-dinner drink. In Norway, if you are ten minutes late the host might send out a search party.

                • pclmulqdq 2 months ago

                  "Late" here means "arriving after the social expectation." In many places in the Americas, you can be (and are expected to be) an hour "late" for a party of any kind. That doesn't mean you are late.

                  In a Western business context, "late" comes about 1-2 minutes after the meeting starts.

      • mongol 2 months ago

        This makes a lot of sense. But where it really matters, say train departure times, are there rules that the doors are closing precisly at X seconds? Or is it arbitrary?

        • oniony 2 months ago

          In the UK the doors close 30 seconds before the advertised departure time.

          • jstanley 2 months ago

            In the UK you're lucky if the train has even arrived 30 seconds before the advertised departure time.

            • maleldil 2 months ago

              That's not really true. In my experience (London), the trains are on-time more often than not.

        • 1718627440 2 months ago

          What is specified is the actual departure time of the train. Before that it has to be decided to start closing the doors, the doors must be closing, the secure closure must be determined by the train leader and the train leader has to order the train driver to start driving. How long that takes depends on the train. For short-distance trains it's ~15seconds for long-distance ~1minute.

        • flerchin 2 months ago

          Won't be a problem if you're there on-time.

      • andy800 2 months ago

        Isn't this phrase commonly known (in USA) as Lombardi Time?

      • anal_reactor 2 months ago

        Early is on-time. On-time is late. Late is how most people behave.

      • xoxxala 2 months ago

        We always taught our kids that if you’re not five minutes early, you’re late.

        One boy took it to heart and is very prompt.

        The other, eh, not so much. He was almost late to his own wedding.

        • andix 2 months ago

          Technically speaking you can’t be late to your own wedding. If you’re not there, it isn’t your wedding. ;)

    • Kiro 2 months ago

      I'm usually early but I watch the preview until there are at least two other people in the call, then I join. I suspect many other do the same which sometimes results in implicit standoffs.

    • yzydserd 2 months ago

      I live by joining before

      :58 if presenter

      :59 if core

      :00 if contributor

      :01 if observer

      Many colleagues seem to +:01 this.

  • TZubiri 2 months ago

    But if every clock was like that, then 12:59:30 would be the new 13:00:00

    • The_Colonel 2 months ago

      But not every clock would be like that - only those clocks which don't show the seconds precision would use this rounding.

      The consequence of that would be that statements like "fireworks start at 12 AM" would mean two different points in time depending on how much precision your clocks have.

      • fouronnes3 2 months ago

        That's true if you catch the exact moment the clock changes. If you don't, the only thing you know with a truncating clock is that the fireworks started 0 to 59 seconds ago. With a rounding clock, you know the starting point is within [-30, 30] from now. So on average, you're closer to the starting point when seeing the clock show 12AM.

        A good reason for truncating is that we have a strong bias against being late, but not really against being early.

        • The_Colonel 2 months ago

          > If you don't, the only thing you know with a truncating clock is that the fireworks started 0 to 59 seconds ago.

          More importantly, I know whether the designated point in time passed or not. If you have a submission deadline set at 14:00, the most important thing you care about is whether you made it or not.

          But what bothers me more is that this is inviting ambiguity into time definition. What 14:00 means (in addition to all the timezone complexity) now depends on the type of the clock you use. That's just bad.

          > A good reason for truncating is that we have a strong bias against being late, but not really against being early.

          TBH I don't understand what you're saying here.

    • soneil 2 months ago

      So if my watch shows seconds, I'd be late at 12:59:31?

      • bmicraft 2 months ago

        If someone without seconds on their clock starts the meeting, yes.

        • andy800 2 months ago

          No, this is the point of the article. The person without the seconds could not tell if you were late or not when his watch says 1:00. A display of 1:00 means the actual time is between 12:59:30 and 1:00:30, so there's a 50% chance the person arrived early. Only the person with the second hand could tell for sure.

          • bmicraft 2 months ago

            It's a bad point. If the clock says 1:00 and you aren't there you're late.

            Your boss won't like hearing "well technically I wasn't late because you see your clock has the seconds rounded to minutes so you can't actually know if I'm late".

            The best possible outcome you could get from that is that the meeting starts at 12:59:30 now.

            • andy800 2 months ago

              I'm simply communicating the point of the article. Take it up with the author if you don't like it or don't agree. And he'll tell you that if sub-minute precision is necessary (i.e. someone would be reprimanded for being under 30 seconds late to a meeting) the simple solution is to include a second hand on those clocks, and there won't be any confusion. (Of course, what's the likelihood of a basic office wall clock being accurate to within 30 seconds anyway, but that's a whole other rabbit hole)

        • animuchan 2 months ago

          This is a weirdly satisfying thought, if entirely unrealistic in a corporate setting: what if meetings in general were more of a consensus thing, and less of a rigid time slot thing.

    • dylan604 2 months ago

      How does 12:59:30 floor to 13:00:00? Wouldn't that be the result of ceil?

      • pkulak 2 months ago

        Only until the next article saying that "all clocks are 0.5 seconds early" and we then switch to randomized rounding.

    • zzo38computer 2 months ago

      I still think that flooring would be better; however, if you did insist to do this rounding instead then you could use a different convention for numbering seconds with e.g. -30 to +30 instead of 0 to 60. However, I think that this is not worth it, and that the existing use of flooring is much better, although if you want such precision with timing then you really should display the seconds, rather than using a clock that does not display seconds, anyways.

  • andy800 2 months ago

    Your second example contradicts the first. "Sending a message" doesn't happen in an instant. There's always some latency, which can be significant in email systems (the most common, universally accepted way to send a message) and SMS.

    The goal in messaging is almost always not about the send time (who cares?), but the receive time, when it is available to be read. If the goal is to have the message received at 1:00, then, as you note in the second example, sending it precisely at 1:00:00.000 guarantees it will be received late.

    In any case, if you're that focused on intra-minute precision, you should probably be relying on clocks that incorporate seconds anyway.

    • snowfarthing 2 months ago

      There have been times when my wife and I resorted to including send times, because the latency between our phones was ridiculously high. I really wish SMS and email would include both sent and received times, so that latency issues can be accounted for.

jsnell 2 months ago

> This is especially apparent when you're trying to calculate "how much time until my next meeting?", and your next meeting is at noon. If it's 11:55, you would usually mentally subtract and conclude: the meeting is in 5 minutes. That's how I always do it myself anyway! But the most probable estimate given the available information is actually 4'30"!

Ok. But what does it mean for a meeting to start at 12:00 when people don't have clocks that will accurately show 12:00? They'll only know when the time is 11:59:30 or 12:00:30, anything between is just going to be a guess. So it seems to me that the start times would just align to the half-minute offsets instead, and we'd be back exactly where we started but with more complexity.

  • FartyMcFarter 2 months ago

    > If it's 11:55, you would usually mentally subtract and conclude: the meeting is in 5 minutes. That's how I always do it myself anyway! But the most probable estimate given the available information is actually 4'30"!

    The way I like to think about it is "the meeting is in less than 5 minutes". Which is always correct since my reaction time to seeing the clock switching to 11:55 is greater than zero.

    It could even be less than 4 minutes if it has already switched to 11:56 and I haven't had time to react to that change, but that's OK - my assessment that I have less than 5 minutes to get to the meeting is still correct.

  • xattt 2 months ago

    All broadcast studios are equipped with master clocks that show seconds to deal with this ambiguity.

    You can look at your own watch and anticipate when program transitions in radio or TV are supposed to take place (usually the minute and 30 second marks). Also, get a sense when a host is filling time to get to the transition.

    • dylan604 2 months ago

      I've done a lot of work with hosts on various shows. One guy stood out more than others on being so natural on the vamp/stretch to fill the time. Starting at 5mins, we give one minute signals. Not once did it ever sound unnatural in trying to rush or filled with ums, uhs, or ahs. Others struggled with the rushing being most noticeable.

      • mb5 2 months ago

        Jonathan Agnew has a similar story about the late, great Australian cricket commentator Richie Benaud, although filling ~52 seconds rather than 5 minutes.

      • xattt 2 months ago

        > vamp

        Thanks for teaching me a new term!

        • dylan604 2 months ago

          I think it's every host's worst nightmare when they see it when reading the teleprompter. It's my worst nightmare when watching local news feeds where they are clearly off prompter or vamping.

      • ycombinatrix 2 months ago

        Well now you're half a second late

  • sigmar 2 months ago

    This is a good point. There's tons of times when I'm watching a clock to watch for a precise moment (like buying concert tickets, limited edition merchandise, stock market opening). Losing the ability to see when a 12:00:00 happens would be annoying

  • timerol 2 months ago

    If you care about starting a meeting to within better precision than a minute, use a clock that shows seconds. If I want to start a meeting at noon, I don't block off the minute display of my clock and wait for the 11 -> 12 transition to start the meeting.

  • caseyy 2 months ago

    > If it's 11:55, you would usually mentally subtract and conclude: the meeting is in 5 minutes. That's how I always do it myself anyway

    And if you showed up to the meeting in exactly 5 minutes, you’d be on time!

  • croes 2 months ago

    > If it's 11:55, you would usually mentally subtract and conclude: the meeting is in 5 minutes.

    Even that part is wrong. I guess I‘m not the only one who knows and thinks it’s less than 5 minutes.

  • brnt 2 months ago

    The technically correct thing to do would be to educate on precision, perhaps even display it, such that people know that 12:00 means a time between 11:59 and 12:01, not 12:00.000.

    • snowfarthing 2 months ago

      With the lack of precision for clocks the way they are, and worries about variance in travel time due to traffic, distractions, potty emergencies, and so forth, the more natural way to handle precision is to give yourself a 5-to-15-minute-to-an-hour buffer to ensure that you're in your seat when the clock ticks from 11:59 to 12:00.

      And yes, 5-to-15-to-an-hour is something that varies, depending on the length of your trip. 5 is appropriate when you're in your office and you need to get to the conference room, 15 if you're driving from your nearby home, an hour if you're flying in, or if you have to drive 200 miles or so -- particularly if it's a trip you don't regularly take!

      For meetings, I actually give myself 16 "precise" minutes -- one minute less than 15, with 4-minute-30-second snoozes, so I can have both adequate warning, and regular pokes, to make sure I can do something on time.

    • timerol 2 months ago

      The point is that we use 12:00 to note a time between 12:00:00.0 (inclusive) and 12:01:00.0 (exclusive). Saying that 12:00 is a time between 11:59 and 12:01 implies that the range of error is twice as big as it actually is.

      How long between 12:01:00.0 and 12:00 (as read on a clock)? Between 0 and 60 seconds.

      How long between 11:59:00.0 and 12:00 (as read on a clock)? Between 60 and 120 seconds.

      • brnt 2 months ago

        What I am saying is that that use is incorrect as well. There is only one way to understand numbers, and that is scientifically. I.e. significant digit.

    • lxgr 2 months ago

      Good luck educating people on why they should change lifelong habits that actually even make more sense most of the time too.

  • bena 2 months ago

    Exactly, this article can be summed up on one sentence: "Look at me, I'm so clever"

hartator 2 months ago

Interesting take!

Both of your pic examples are wrong though. That digital clock does show seconds and the London clock has its minute hand in between minute mark - showing progres between minute mark if you look closely. This is the same for all analogue clocks.

  • crgk 2 months ago

    I’m ready for the rebuttal post: “different clocks have different approaches to conveying information about seconds within a minute” which uses the same photos as examples.

  • RIMR 2 months ago

    >That digital clock does show seconds

    It most certainly does not.

    I see HH:MM, temperature in Celsius, humidity in percent, alarm status, alarm time, day of the week, and DD/MM. None of those are seconds. It is a truncating digital clock that rounds down.

    >the London clock has its minute hand in between minute mark - showing progres between minute mark if you look closely.

    "If you look closely" isn't really how analog clocks work in practice. Without a second hand, the limits of human vision prevent us from fully calculating the time between minutes, as each second only represents a 0.1° change in angle of the minute hand, and most mechanical analog clocks aren't designed for the minute hand to move perfectly linearly between minutes.

  • fouronnes3 2 months ago

    No my digital clock doesn't show seconds. As for the london one, I was actually wondering about that! I know it depends, because some analog clocks work like digital one and snap to the next minute by discrete increments.

    • necovek 2 months ago

      Most analog (really, with a geared mechanism) clocks do not "snap" on exact minutes but slowly drive toward them (because that's simpler and thus cheaper).

    • undersuit 2 months ago

      Analog Clock movements with second hands! The seconds hand is rarely smooth, we want the tick, but the minute hand and hour hands are smooth.

      • TeMPOraL 2 months ago

        Except those of us (like my SO) who are bothered by the ticking sound at the edge of audibility, and prefer smooth seconds motion.

      • timw4mail 2 months ago

        Unless it's an old AC-motor clock

    • kevin_thibedeau 2 months ago

      All escapement driven clocks are discrete.

      • michaelcampbell 2 months ago

        Pedantically, only above second granularities. They're continuous between second hand sweep movements at subsecond ones, no? I mean, there's no point on the watch that the second hand doesn't "hit" at some point, however small.

        Or am I wrong that "intermittent, jerky, continuity is still continuity"?

        • DiggyJohnson 2 months ago

          Well it depends on the interval. Taken to the limit, this would be a very nerdy way to rediscover calculus.

  • tavavex 2 months ago

    Not all analogue clocks smoothly move the minute hand to show progress in the current minute. Many of them tick over, truncating the information to the minute like what digital clocks do.

    • BenjiWiebe 2 months ago

      I have never seen a round clock with hands that ticks over a minute! And I look at clocks. Most that have second hands tick over seconds, though.

      Where do you live?

      • aidenn0 2 months ago

        In movies when the villain has placed the hero in the mechanism of a clock-tower, the minute hand seems to always tick over a minute. I don't recall ever seeing it in real-life, but I don't look at clocks in clock-towers that often.

      • JonathonW 2 months ago

        I have a round analog clock with a particularly strange arrangement: it has a second hand (that ticks every second), and it has a minute hand that only moves every fifteen seconds.

        (It's a radio-controlled clock: it has the second and minute hand on separate motors presumably because syncing to the actual time if there were only a motor for the second hand like a conventional analog clock would take too long (and probably make determining position more complicated). There is no independent motor for the hour hand, so it does have to roll the minute hand around to move that one.)

      • perryizgr8 2 months ago

        I see these clocks often in railway stations (I live in India). There is no seconds hand. The minute and hour hands move in clicks, not smoothly like most clocks.

        • seabass-labrax 2 months ago

          The clocks in German railway stations have second hands which 'click'. It's particulary fun how the seconds hand runs slightly fast so that it can pause on the minute, waiting momentarily for a synchronization pulse:

          Swiss stations are similar but have contiuously moving second hands. I could have sworn this clock characteristic was indeed called 'Swiss motion' but I can't find any such reference on the Web...

      • Kirby64 2 months ago

        There’s some very neat designs that only tick the minute hand once per minute, as it’s significantly more power efficient to do so. You just power the hand once per minute, as opposed to continuously driving the hand in small increments.

    • michaelcampbell 2 months ago

      Maybe; I think of analog clocks as ones with an analog, continuous mechanism. As such they happen to use a sweep hand display.

      Quartz and the like CAN also use non-digital displays, but I wouldn't consider them analog timekeepers.

      • lupire 2 months ago

        Quartz is an analog mechanism like a pendulum. It doesn't stop at each cycle.

        • dredmorbius 2 months ago

          Quartz crystals are inherently digital, where the quartz crystal itself oscilates at a stable rate, 32,768 Hz in most timepieces.

          That's counted by a digital accumulator, and a one-second advance occurs every 32,768 cycles.

          The display of a quartz timepiece may be digital (as in a liquid crystal display, or any other discrete display), or analogue, as with a watch or clock with hands. But the underlying timekeeping is digital at its heart.

          (One might make a similar argument for a pendulum- or spring-driven clock mechanism, with discrete periodic movements, or for an hourglass (discrete sand particles flowing through an orifice) though the more variable physical process tends to argue against this.)

          • Dylan16807 2 months ago

            There is very little that is "digital" about the crystal itself. Tuned oscillation is analog.

            The accumulator attached to it is digital, but it only has to be that way because it's so hard to make gears that tiny. If quartz was slower you could use the signal to directly drive a gear and have nothing digital in the entire timepiece.

            • dredmorbius 2 months ago

              Digital in the sense that there's a set of discrete countable events.

              Contrast with several other timekeeping systems: water clocks, hourglasses (sand glasses), sundials or astronomical observations (ultimately the definitive reference), in which periodic processes or entropic gradients serve as analogues to the passage of time.

              Modern atomic clocks are also to my mind inherently digital or quantum, where counts of discrete events are tallied.

              The discussion of DAC/ADC conversion process has some merits, but to me, thinking of ideas as interfaces, and as models of reality, "digital" fits far better than "analogue" in this case. Particularly as you'll find that same DAC/ADC process in what we manifestly call digital computers or digital memory/storage systems, where some other-than-discretely-varying signal is nonetheless abstracted to 1s and 0s.

              As occurs when tallying quartz crystal oscillations in a timepiece.

              • Dylan16807 2 months ago

                That defines any clockwork clock as digital rather than analog and I think at that point the definition you're using needs to be rejected.

                • dredmorbius 2 months ago

                  I'd noted that in my initial comment.

                  The counterargument is that whilst the escapement of a spring-driven or pendulum clock is in a sense digital (as, for that matter, was a Jaquard loom's card-based governor), the driving mechanism (gravity weights, spring) isn't. But then, quartz-crystal clocks utilise a battery....

                  Again: ideas are interfaces, ways we get a grasp and shared understanding of reality, and are models of that reality. To that extent, all definitions are both arbitrary and flexible, but ultimately are governed by their utility.

                  Again: quartz crystal movements involve a manifestly digital accumulator which drives a display (character-based or analogue hands) based on accumulated ticks. The ticks are digital, a sequence of accumulated 1s and 0s, and are interpreted by logic rather than mechanism.

                  (Yes, logic itself can be mechanically implemented, but it remains a mechanical implementation of logic rather than a purely mechanical process.)

                  Escapement mechanisms lack such an accumulator, but rather utilise gears and cogs to match the movement's oscillation to the desired movement of hands on the display. That entire process is analogous of time, and hence, and analogue movement.

                  • Dylan16807 2 months ago

                    > I'd noted that in my initial comment.

                    You said they "might" be in the same category and sounded unconvinced. Now that you're insisting on an expansive definition of digital, I'm addressing the problems it causes more directly.

                    > To that extent, all definitions are both arbitrary and flexible, but ultimately are governed by their utility.

                    And the utility of the term depends on clockwork clocks not being digital.

                    > (Yes, logic itself can be mechanically implemented, but it remains a mechanical implementation of logic rather than a purely mechanical process.)

                    Gears are a mechanical implementation of logic. If you make a distinction here, it puts clockwork clocks on the wrong side.

                    The logic here is just a divider. The same thing the gears already do in a clock.

                    Also you didn't really address one of my points, but I think it was an important one. If quartz crystals had a slower frequency, you could easily use them to directly push gears like a pendulum does. Since you're so focused on the crystal itself as being digital, would you call that a digital clock?

                    • dredmorbius 2 months ago

                      First: I appreciate your pressing your points, as it's helpful for me to clarify my own reasoning. This hinges on a few points, and again the sense of ideas as interfaces / models is key for me. I'm less a believer in truth than of pragmatism of ideas, something I've been delving into through history of philosophy for a number of years now. And it's the utility of dividing systems into analogue vs. digital which seems key.

                      And again, this allows for differences and distinctions, one of which is your view, which again I find less useful and clear. That is, crystal-driven timepieces strike me as more usefully considered as digital rather than analogue.

                      On the distinction between a mechanically-implemented logic vs. an electronically implemented one: the degree is largely of complexity, scale, and speed, but in general once you've ventured into the electronic domain, it becomes infeasible to provide a comparable utility or function by mechanical means. We've tried mechanical digital calculators and computers. We've abandoned them on account of cost, slowness, unreliability, size, and power consumption. Mechanical systems cost too much, ran too slowly, broke down too often, and simply could not scale in the way that semiconductor-based systems could.

                      To the extent that a mechanical function (say, a mulitiplier gear) represents a pure logical function, we can abstract that functioning from the gear itself, much as writing conveys meaning independent of medium.

                      It's less possible to divorce the mechanical functioning of such a system from its inherent parts: their materials, mass, size, and the like. If we look at purely mechanical systems, they're very tightly linked to the inherent material constituents in a way that pure digital logic isn't. Let me give two examples.

                      The printing press (as a mechanical system, I'm not arguing its digital attributes if any) saw a profound development over the course of the 19th century. At the beginning of same, it was little evolved from Gutenberg's early adapted wine press, and with skilled operators might produce ~120 impressions an hour, a sheet every 30 seconds. Converting from a wood to a cast-iron frame roughly doubled that. Further developments: electrical power, cylindrical plates, web-based paper feed, increased that by the end of the century to one million impressions per hour, four orders of magnitude faster. That is, the function and capability of the machine was intrinsically bounded by materials (and power sources and paper characterstics, etc., etc.) from which it was constructed. Taking this further, modern Web servers / application servers are capable of millions of requests per second, another three orders of magnitude faster.

                      (In general, only one or two orders of magnitude is a fundamental revolution in capabilities: walking (5 kph) to bicycle (32 kph) to automobile (130 kph) to jet airliner (1000 kph) are separated by roughly 1.5 -- 2.5 orders of magnitude, with the largest step (e^2.2) being between the first two.)

                      Of digital systems, the unrelatedness to fundamental materials is probably best exemplified by virtualisation. That is, we see tremendous adoption of entirely virtualised systems in which the basic logic functions occur entirely independently of the underlying hardware implementation. A digital watch can fundamentally be implemented entirely in software, in ways that I'll venture a hardware watch cannot be. Though here again we trip up on my ideas / language / models distinction: is modelling a hardware system in software the same as emulation? I'm ... going to stick with "no", Because Reasons, though I'll acknowledge the question, though a large part would be that a model is a simplification of the reference system, whilst emulation is a complete functional equivalence.

                      Similarly, we can run identical software on entirely different CPU architectures, command sets, and semiconductor substrates with few if any practical considerations. Operation is divorced from hardware.

                      Keep in mind that the function of a transistor itself is equivalent to that of a gate or valve: a small controlling input leads to a large controlled input, and indeed these are often called gates or valves in the field / historically. There have been mechanical and hydraulic computers of limited capabilities. But again, moving from mechanical to electronic components

                      I'm not arguing that gears aren't capable of logic. I am arguing that gear-based logics severely restrict the capabilities and increase the physicality and physical constraints in ways in ways which fundamentally differ from those of purely electronic systems, and are best considered "analogue".

                      There's also the point that gears ... rotate continuously, rather than discretely. We can modify that (e.g., with cams or similar designs), but there's still that continous rotational motion at core.

                      • Dylan16807 2 months ago

                        > I'm not arguing that gears aren't capable of logic. I am arguing that gear-based logics severely restrict the capabilities and increase the physicality and physical constraints in ways in ways which fundamentally differ from those of purely electronic systems, and are best considered "analogue".

                        But the only electronic part you actually need is a toggle (well, a handful of them in series). That doesn't increase your capabilities beyond gears, except that you can pick up a faster signal (and then the only thing you can do with it is slow it back down).

                        > A digital watch can fundamentally be implemented entirely in software, in ways that I'll venture a hardware watch cannot be.

                        If you say hardware can't truly be represented, then neither can the quartz crystal, and I would argue that output hardware can't truly be represented either. So the two things you're doing entirely in software are the conversion from 32kHz down to 1Hz, and the conversion from 1Hz to a series of digits.

                        But the type of watch we're talking about doesn't have a digits display so discard that.

                        Now the only thing you're doing in software is dividing by 2 a few times, maybe also dividing by 60. That's not beyond the capabilities of a simple mechanical system. There's no need to have "software" involved either. "Software" is orders of magnitude more complex than dividing by 2.

                        Or, another way to look at things: A watch just like a quartz watch can be implemented completely in hardware, if you put in a """crystal""" that wiggles at 8Hz instead of 32768Hz.

                        I see your point about speed being a meaningful difference in many areas, but in this case the only thing done at high speed is slow it back down.

                        > There's also the point that gears ... rotate continuously, rather than discretely. We can modify that (e.g., with cams or similar designs), but there's still that continous rotational motion at core.

                        The gears right at the core of a mechanical clock are moving in pulses. It's not very far off from what the transistors or vacuum tubes would be doing.

                        • dredmorbius 2 months ago

                          I think we've exhausted the argument. Again, appreciated.

                          • Dylan16807 2 months ago

                            I guess I would also appreciate the conversation if you had ever addressed my argument about attaching gears to a slower crystal, especially since that was in my very first very short comment. As is, I'm kind of annoyed.

                            Overall, I think the things you're saying about the expressiveness and power of digital logic are valid, but I don't think they really apply here when the logic is so minimal and could in theory be removed entirely.

                            • dredmorbius 2 months ago

                              I didn't touch that one for a few reasons, mostly addressed to exhaustion above, viz: mechanical timepieces tend to be based on a regulated entropic source (watchspring, weights). It's not clear to me that a slow resonance oscillator would effectively couple to gearing, and I'm very far from enough of a watch/clock nerd to think of how this might be done or whether there are any current or historical examples of same. Basically: if you had a pure resonator, then a mechanical coupling seems to me very likely to degrade its regularity beyond use in timekeeping. An escapement design is preferable, and again, that's an inherently analogue mechanism.

                              I can find no examples of an acoustically-based mechanical timekeeping mechanism. If you're aware of any I'd be interested in seeing them.

                              I can also remember when mechanical stopwatches were still A Thing, used in sport timing when I was a wee'un. I suspect that these were the highest-precision timepieces reasonably mass-produced (and likely expensive nonetheless), and they could reach 1/10th second accuracy. Far cheaper digital stopwatches came available shortly after, were less expensive, and had 1/100th s accuracy. They could easily have recorded to greater accuracy but the limits of human perception and reaction would have made that redundant.

                              Current prices seem to range from ~US25 to ~$150 for mechanical stopwatches, versus ~$2 to $20 for digital electronic stopwatches, going off Amazon.

                              Even now, timed events are generally only measured and judged to 1/100th of a second, given that unavoidable variances (e.g., in track or lane length for track or swimming events, or course lengths for others) would introduce variability not strictly addressed by an athlete's capability.

          • NobodyNada 2 months ago

            The quartz crystal itself is an analog component which resonates at some specific frequency. The crystal is placed within a feedback circuit to create a stable, sinusoidal oscillation; the analog sinusoid is then converted into digital pulses to be counted.

            It's the same principle as a "pendulum- or spring-driven clock mechanism, with discrete periodic movements"; just on a microscopic scale -- you're taking an analog physical system which naturally resonates at some specific frequency, and then converting the continuous motion of the system into discrete pulses.

        • zokier 2 months ago

          Almost every clock based on mechanical escapement stops hands on each beat. That is where the ticking noise of classic mechanical movement comes from. For quartz clocks, smooth sweeping hands is a premium feature and I'm not sure are even those truly continuous motion or just higher frequency.

        • BenjiWiebe 2 months ago

          Quartz is an analog mechanism, but AFAIK it's always read/used digitally.

          • perryizgr8 2 months ago

            No. Most analog wrist watches use a quartz mechanism.

            • itishappy 2 months ago

              The output of the quartz oscillator is a high frequency electrical signal which is read by a digital frequency divider then fed back into a motor.

              > The data line output from such a quartz resonator goes high and low 32768 times a second. This is fed into a flip-flop (which is essentially two transistors with a bit of cross-connection) which changes from low to high, or vice versa, whenever the line from the crystal goes from high to low. The output from that is fed into a second flip-flop, and so on through a chain of 15 flip-flops, each of which acts as an effective power of 2 frequency divider by dividing the frequency of the input signal by 2. The result is a 15-bit binary digital counter driven by the frequency that will overflow once per second, creating a digital pulse once per second.


  • roywiggins 2 months ago

    Vaguely related: I don't think people are being taught how to read analog clock faces nearly as much anymore, and apparently phrases like "quarter past ten" are becoming, so to speak, anachronisms.

    • Suppafly 2 months ago

      The only one that I know of as being an anachronism is saying "quarter of" or similar. At one point people decided that 'of' meant 'to' and after a while we forgot that because it was stupid. People still say quarter past though.

      • aidenn0 2 months ago

        My teenage daughter needs me to explain it to her every time I say either "quarter past" or "quarter to"

        • Suppafly 2 months ago

          past and to are pretty self explanatory if you know English at all.

    • doubled112 2 months ago

      Also vaguely related, I've come to realize some people find metric measurements easier than feet and inches.

      I find the fractions simpler. Need a half of that half? Just double the denominator.

      My wife would seemingly rather keep counting .1 centimeters.

      The same applies with clocks. It's easier for me to rough out how long I have if I just chop the face into fractions vs mental arithmetic, as brutal as that sounds. What do you mean this guy can't divide 30 in half?

    • Gormo 2 months ago

      But 15 minutes is a quarter of an hour regardless of whether you are using an analog or a digital clock to read the time.

      • dredmorbius 2 months ago

        The spatial representation on an analogue clockface is far more evident. Each 15 minute interval sweeps out a quarter of the face with the minute hand.

        • Gormo 2 months ago

          I don't thing a spatial representation is any more necessary here than it is for referring to 25 cents as a quarter of a dollar.

    • marpstar 2 months ago

      a "quarter" means 1/4th -- it's a "quarter" turn of rotation on a physical clock, but 60/4 is always 15.

      or were you making the distinction between "quarter past" and "quarter after", because I'd agree that the former is a lot less common.

      • roywiggins 2 months ago

        I'm not sure, but either way, "it's a quarter past 6" has gotten me blank stares.

        • 1718627440 2 months ago

          In Germany, that would be quarter 7, which means either the quarter in the 7th hour or the 7th time that a quarter has passed since the hour, which is of course that same. (Unless you are in a part, that got conquered by the US after 2WW, which now uses "English time".)

    • dmd 2 months ago

      Public schools here in suburban Boston MA still teach analog first.

      • aidenn0 2 months ago

        So do the public schools here, and we have 3 analog clocks in my house, but 3/4 of my children cannot read an analog clock, and 2/4 of them do not understand me when I say "quarter past" or "quarter to" no matter how many times I explain it.

      • ta1243 2 months ago

        Don't kids know how to tell the time before they go to school?

        • dmd 2 months ago

          Mine did. Most don't.

    • dboreham 2 months ago

      This is regional. US never used quarters afaik.

      • Gormo 2 months ago

        What do you mean? People in the US routinely use "quarter after" and "quarter to" when telling time.

      • JohnBooty 2 months ago

        I've only ever lived in NE USA, but I have traveled, and I definitely don't think it's regional.

        Generational though, sure.

      • scrozier 2 months ago

        Oh yes, I grew saying "quarter past four." Probably don't anymore, but it was definitely in the vernacular in the US in years past.

  • PeterCorless 2 months ago

    Yes. Though analog second hands often "tick" the seconds. (Some move the second hand smoothly.)

  • throwaway519 2 months ago

    I feel you're missing the elephant in the room with the clock observation:

    Time is a cube, not a cuboid.

  • adamanonymous 2 months ago

    This is why analog clocks are superior to digital

zemnmez 2 months ago

I apologise for my "but, actually...":

Analogue clocks like the face of big ben are not like digital displays, and whether they "show seconds" in the context of the meaning of this article is not, like digital displays, down to whether there is a dedicated hand.

Unlike digital displays, the largest denomination hand on an analogue clock display contains all of the information that the smaller hands do (depending on the movement in some cases).

The easiest way to realise this is to imagine a clock without the minute hand. Can you tell when it's half-past the hour? You can. The hour hand is half way between the two hours.

Again, it depends on the movement, but it is not out of the question that your minute hand is moving once every second, and not every minute. It is down to the number of beats per unit time for an analogue display as to what the minimum display resolution is (regardless of if the movement is analogue or digital itself).

  • danieldk 2 months ago

    Unlike digital displays, the largest denomination hand on an analogue clock display contains all of the information that the smaller hands do (depending on the movement in some cases).

    You would be surprised. When I was a kid, I sometimes used to stare at the clocks with an analog face at the train station while waiting for the train to school to arrive.

    Interestingly enough the seconds hand would go slightly faster than actual seconds and at the 60 seconds the seconds hand would get stuck for a moment as if it was pushing the minutes hand and then the minutes hand would flip to the next minute.

    Found a video here:

    The description describes how they work, which seems like a mixture of digital and analog (due to the use of both cogs and relays + propagation of pulses from central to local clocks), translated:

    - The seconds hand makes a revolution of 57-58 seconds and is then stuck for 2-3 seconds.

    - The seconds hand is driven using 230V.

    - The minutes hand get a 12V or 24V pulse once every 60 seconds. The polarity has to swap every 60 seconds. The swapping of the polarity can be done using a relay or specially-made components.

    - The hours hand is driven by the minutes hand using cogs.

    Edit: more information and references here:

    • Doxin 2 months ago

      The key to this mechanism is that the stepping of the minute hand is what unlocks the second hand. Pretty clever low-tech way to keep a LOT of clocks in really close sync.

      Dutch train stations used to have these too, I loved to watch them in action while waiting for a train.

    • devnullbrain 2 months ago

      On a wristwatch it's also easy - and probable - to set a minutes hand out-of-sync with the seconds, so they don't both line up at 12 at the hour.

    • eviks 2 months ago

      Thanks for the video, what a silly design, especially given the Swiss reputation when it comes to clocks...

      • rob74 2 months ago

        If you think of the design goals (synchronizing clocks across the train network) and the technology available at the time, the design is actually pretty clever. Knowing the exact second is not important - if the second hand actually completes a whole cycle in only 58 seconds, this is still good enough to be able to see how much of the minute has passed. Having the exact same minute on all clocks is much more important than that - especially since train departure times are usually "on the minute".

        • eviks 2 months ago

          What technology wasn't invented by the time this clock was created??? And the design is bad, nothing clever about it, clocks can move their minutes hand to give the necessary indication

          • rob74 2 months ago

            What technology wasn't available in 1944 ( compared to today? Quite a lot...

            • eviks 2 months ago

              So name a single time tech and explain how the lack of it didn’t prevent other train station operators having clocks without jumping hands operating even before 1944? (not sure, but think that the minute timetable resolution was pretty universal)

  • jolmg 2 months ago

    > it depends on the movement, but it is not out of the question that your minute hand is moving once every second, and not every minute.

    I think the only place where I've seen the minute hand move by the minute has been on TV, in those climactic moments where the camera zooms in on the clock and strikes a certain time. Maybe it's a trope, for emotional tension, like mines that don't explode until you step off.

  • kuschku 2 months ago

    > The easiest way to realise this is to imagine a clock without the minute hand. Can you tell when it's half-past the hour? You can. The hour hand is half way between the two hours.

    Can I? Many analog clocks actually "tick" the second and minute hand. I've even seen some that tick the hour hand.

  • deaddodo 2 months ago

    You literally just defined the difference between digital (binary) and analog (gradation).

    A digital clock is 1:01 or 1:02. An analog clock is some tick of some range (depending on the resolution, as you abstracted), at all times.

    • lelandbatey 2 months ago

      I think a slightly better term is "discrete" vs "continuous". Some analog clocks are discrete, some are continuous. Some digital clocks operate on a resolution so fine that they appear to move continuously. It's quite lovely to find those that invert your expectations when out in the real world.

      • hunter2_ 2 months ago

        It's a bit more than that:

        There are analog clocks where all hands move continuously (like when there's a second hand with no discernable beats). There are analog clocks where all hands move discreetly once per second (60 BPM for all hands). There are analog clocks where the minute hand moves at 1 BPM (quantized to the floor of each minute) while the second hand does something else (perhaps discrete movement at 60 BPM, or perhaps continuous other than a pause at the top of each minute, etc.). And there are digital clocks!

      • deaddodo 2 months ago

        You're correct, thanks for the clarification. I was going more with the colloquial understanding of the two (analog = continuous; digital = discrete) and was trying to touch on the vagueness of no true analog clock with the reference to ticks/resolution.

        However, your explanation is definitely much better.

eviks 2 months ago

All universal statements like this are wrong and stem from basic ignorance

> So when it's actually 14:15:45, they'll show 14:15. And when the actual time goes from 14:15:59 to 14:16:00, then that's when your clock changes from 14:15 to 14:16.

No, that's a silly mistake, look at the picture (though much better - video) of the analogue clock to see it's not the case, the minutes hand moves continuously, so isn't at 15 at 15:59

> the meeting is in 5 minutes.

That's not the only question we ask about time. Has the meeting/game already started? You can't answer that with an average value

> for some context appropriate reason) you reply with just hours, you would say it's 11!

No, you reply would depend on the context, which you haven't specified.

> Please someone tell me I'm not crazy

Of course not, just trying to replace one ambiguity with another. Maybe instead come up with a more precise minutes display in digital clocks that adds more info like two dots flashing when it's past 30 sec and only 1 dot when it's before? (In phones you could use color or a few more pixels within all the padding?)

  • verzali 2 months ago

    > All universal statements like this are wrong and stem from basic ignorance

  • animuchan 2 months ago

    Yup, I think the "has the {thing} already started" is, for many people, the most useful function of precise time anyway. All sorts of work and personal meetings, transportation schedules, doctor's appointments, and so on.

    Knowing the ballpark in the form of "it's 15:30-ish", even if more precise, is strictly less useful than "you're late to the 15:30 meeting with your manager".

    Fun article nonetheless, and interesting perspectives on both sides!

  • zelphirkalt 2 months ago

    Not all analog clocks continuously move the minute pointer. In train stations I often see the seconds pointer move continuously and when it reaches the 12, it stops there for a second or two, then the minute pointer moves, stopping at the next minute, briefly vibrating, then the seconds pointer moves on.

    • eviks 2 months ago

      You don't need all for the original statement to be false, that's the big issue with "universal"

keskival 2 months ago

It's not really about flooring or rounding, but whether one thinks of time indices as ranges or moments.

Days, as the author points out, are though of with "flooring", but more accurately it could be said that a date is thought of as a range between the times belonging to the date.

Minutes one can consider as ranges or time indices. There the error comes, in switching the interpretation of a start of a duration to an actual estimate of a point of time index.

  • ASalazarMX 2 months ago

    A minute is an insignificant period for most daily tasks, so the convention "show me when the minute changes" is simple and pragmatic. If your task needs precise count of seconds, you get a clock that shows when the second changes, and now you are half a second late on average.

    You can keep playing with increasingly smaller time units until you conclude, like Zeno's arrow paradox, that you're always infinitely late.

    • msm_ 2 months ago

      Pointless remark about myself, but I always set my phone's clock to second precision (I think this setting is hidden somewhere, or even needs a third-party app to unlock), and I am annoyed there's no way to do this on the lockscreen. How is it possible that nobody else (apparently) wants it, and it's not the Android default? Why would I want a clock that is, on average, a half minute off?

      • ploynog 2 months ago

        > Why would I want a clock that is, on average, a half minute off?

        Because in 99.9% of the cases I don't care about the seconds, it takes away space in the top status bar, and the constant changing of seconds in the top-left corner of the screen is distracting. And for the remaining 0.1% of cases, there is the clock app that shows seconds.

        What benefit do you gain in daily life by having the time down to the second? The argument "so it's not half a minute off on average" seems a bit self-referential.

        • iggldiggl 2 months ago

          > What benefit do you gain in daily life by having the time down to the second?

          I commute by public transport and am sometimes cutting it fine, so knowing whether it is hh:mm:05 or hh:mm:55 does make a difference in how much I have to hurry up sometimes.

      • iggldiggl 2 months ago

        > and I am annoyed there's no way to do this on the lockscreen

        With some OEMs there is (personally I know that current-ish Sony phones offer a corresponding option), but yeah, it is a bit annoying that that isn't universal… part of the reason I still carry a regular watch.

  • derbOac 2 months ago

    I think that's about right.

    Another way of thinking about this is that the author is confusing time as measurement (how much time) with time as rule (what time is it). If you wanted to measure the duration as a difference in clock times, yes, there would be a certain amount of measurement error incurred by the way clocks are displayed. But if you want to know the time, in the sense of whether a certain time has been reached, or a certain graduation has been crossed, it doesn't make sense to round to the nearest minute.

    The question of "how much is this clock off?" is only meaningful with reference to a certain use or interpretation of the numbers being displayed. If you say it's "8:56" people know it could be anything up to but not including 8:57, but greater than or equal to 8:56. The number means a threshold in time, not a quantity.

Ukv 2 months ago

I don't think this applies to Elizabeth Tower/Big Ben, as it's an analogue clock and, from footage I can find[0], its minute hand appears to move continuously opposed to in steps. (or at least, not in full-minute steps)

Also, I believe it's wrong to say "the average error would be 0" if rounding to nearest minute. The average offset would be 0, but the average error would be 15, to my understanding.


jtbayly 2 months ago

I can get behind this idea, however, this sentence is wrong:

"If clocks rounded to the nearest minute instead of truncating, the average error would be 0.”

The negative and the positive error don’t cancel each other out. They are both error. The absolute value needs to be used.

  • lupire 2 months ago

    It depends on the application. Are you summing times (as with a pay clock at a job), or are you paying for error in both directions for some reason?

  • Straw 2 months ago

    The average error is in fact 0! The average absolute error is reduced but not 0.

    • jy14898 2 months ago

      By this logic, a broken 24 hour clock stuck at mid day has 0 error.

      • Straw 2 months ago

        The average of its errors is 0- ie it is not biased. Ofc, the average absolute error, which in English one could very reasonably refer to as "average error" is much greater than 0.

    • jtbayly 2 months ago

      That may technically be correct, but it is incorrect in the real world. I submit that error is error in the real world. Mathematics can go jump off a cliff unless it wants to be helpful. :)

      • roywiggins 2 months ago

        Zero average error conveys something important though: the error that there is, isn't biased positive or negative.

      • pkilgore 2 months ago

        That's language failing us, not maths :-)

    • noqc 2 months ago

      What are you talking about? Error is a metric.

  • lavelganzu 2 months ago

    Good catch. RMS (root mean square) error is typical in signal processing to avoid this undesirable cancellation.

  • fouronnes3 2 months ago

    That's a very fair nitpick, but even with a more rigorous error function the point still stands, I think.

    • jtbayly 2 months ago

      Agreed. There will be less error, just not zero. I thought it was a silly error that detracted from the point, rather than defeated the point.

mglz 2 months ago

Hä?! A clock shows the period of time we are currently in. A clock only showing hours would for example indicate that we are in the 14th hour of the day, for the entire duration of that hour. That is not an error. Similarly, a hh:mm clock will show the hour and minute we are currently in for the duration of that minute.

No clock can display the exact current moment of time. That would require infinite digits, and even then those will be late, since lightspeed will ensure you recieve the femtoseconds and below really late.

  • cess11 2 months ago

    What time it is, is just made up, it's something we can decide freely through social power, as evidenced by timezones and daylight savings and leap seconds.

    Commonly the resolution is something like minutes or a few of them, that's the margin we'll typically accept for starting meetings or precision in public transport like buses.

    The utility of femtoseconds in deciding what time it is seems pretty slim.

  • v4vvdq 2 months ago

    An analog clock does show the exact current moment of time (if the hands move in a linear motion and don't jump).

  • kypro 2 months ago

    Yeah, I think labelling it "error" is a bit of a strange way to look at it to be honest.

    It's only error if you're trying to measure time in seconds, but are doing it with a clock that can only measure hours and minutes. If you want to know the current minute, then a clock that can measure minutes it is 100% correct.

    It's an interesting thought experiment, but really all it's saying is that half of the time 10:00 is closer to 10:01:00 than 10:00:00, but this imply you care about measuring time to the second which prompts the question why it's being measured in minutes?

    To be charitable, I suppose in the real world we might occasionally care about how close 10:00 is to 10:01 in seconds, but the time shown on phones can't tell us that so on average we will be about 30 seconds out.

epcoa 2 months ago

The fallacy is it’s a leap from logic to go from “average error is x” is the same as “is x late”. Seeing the exact transition is often if not more useful than minimizing average displayed error.

macleginn 2 months ago

This is nitpicking, but the transition from "the average error of a truncating clock is 30 seconds" to "therefore all clocks are 30 seconds late!" is seriously wrong. For one, the median is equal to the mean here, so about half of all clocks are less than 30 seconds late, which is a clear contradiction.

lxgr 2 months ago

> Basically I'm arguing that rounding for clocks would be more useful than flooring. This is especially apparent when you're trying to calculate "how much time until my next meeting?"

Yet a rounding clock provides no way at all for you to know whether the meeting has already started or not.

Not sure where I've heard this, but an idea that's been stuck in my head is this: We don't look at clocks to see what time it is, we do so to know what time it isn't yet:

Have I missed the bus yet? Can I already go home? Am I late for this meeting? Do I still have time to cancel this cronjob? All questions that a rounded clock cannot precisely answer.

  • seanhunter 2 months ago

    Those are all questions no clock can answer though. They require state from the physical world over and above knowing the current time.

    It’s a wild misconception to think that a flooring clock is somehow more late than a rounding clock and it’s if anything an even more crazy misconception to think that a clock can tell you whether something in the physical world has or hasn’t happened.

taco_emoji 2 months ago

> Hours: That's when mentally, I switch to rounding! At 15:48 I definitely feel like it's pretty much 16:00.

Disagree. I would never round to a full hour, only to nearest 5 minutes.

As far as minutes, for clocks that show discrete minutes, it'd be weird to see the minute-hand snap to the next number and think "oh, it's actually 29 seconds before that number". Seeing the snap motion means you're at :00 seconds.

Besides, for a clock that doesn't show seconds, it really doesn't matter. If you need more precision, you just use a timepiece with the extra precision.

daggersandscars 2 months ago

While most analog clocks' minute hands sweep from minute to minute, jumping minute clocks have the issue the article brings up.

Depending on when / where you went to school, you may have had analog jumping minute clocks. The ones we had at one school would "give away" when the minute would change because the minute hand would move slightly counterclockwise before changing to the next minute.[0]

Per reddit, some Swiss Railway clocks had jumping minutes, but I have not seen one in person. [1]

Another school I attended had sweep second and minute hands, but would hold the clock at 59 seconds until it matched the master clock. Depending on the particular clock and how well it was maintained, these could be 5 - 10 seconds off. Seems like nothing as an adult, but as a kid wanting to go home, it seemed like an eternity, especially on the last day of class for the semester.

[0] This video shows how clocks worked at my school:


pvtmert 2 months ago

Clocks show the time that is _passed/past_, that's the point. Hence flooring is correct approach.

Even when you involve physics, you are seeing the nanosecond past. Not the actual time. (The time that takes light to travel from clock to your eyes, then your brain's processing delay via neurons etc.)

Even the thought of being late is the same way. If something starts at 13:00 and you are not already there when it is 13:00:00.000, you are -by definition- late.

  • Aurelius108 2 months ago

    Good point, when you look at your watch your thought should be “3:15 has passed” or “3:15:40 has passed”. One is more precise but if you think of it as a time that has already passed you can budget accordingly. 3:15 tells you that 3:15:00 has definitely passed and as much as 3:15:59 might have passed.

iainmerrick 2 months ago

The Clock app in iOS works like this in timer mode. If you start a timer for 10 seconds, you'll see the 10 for half a second, then 9 through 1 for a second each, then 0 for half a second, then it beeps. In practice it's pretty stupid and not really useful, so I wish they'd fix it.

There's a reason why normal countdowns work the way they do. You care about the exact moment it hits zero, and with rounding you lose that.

Clocks are not 30 seconds late.

CharlesW 2 months ago

By this logic, the author must also tell people it's "2024" until July 3, and that we're still in the 20th Century until 2051.

  • monktastic1 2 months ago

    No, if you read the article, you'll see that he addresses this point.

    • lupire 2 months ago

      It's addressed by "I'm not so sure."

rkagerer 2 months ago

Let me unlock your hidden precision.

The writer makes an implicit assumption you just glance at the clock with no prior info.

Where seconds count, you can watch the clock until the moment it ticks. At that time you have greater precision. And due to your own innate sense of time, that precision decays for a little while (maybe even 30s?) rather than instantly disappearing.

I like to synchronize my clocks this way (when seconds are unavailable). Yes, it does mean I invest up to a minute more to set the time, and it's probably not worth it if you're doing so often (eg. area prone to power outages).

  • matja 2 months ago

    The same technique is how computer RTCs are set/read, but to sub-second precision instead of minute precision, because the most common register standard allows only storing whole seconds but they keep relatively accurate time.

dredmorbius 2 months ago

Time intervals aren't floors or rounds but thresholds.

This is most evident above the level of hours, minutes, or seconds: we speak of a new day beginning (though the time at which this occurs has varied culturally and regionally), or a new year, decade, century, or millennium (with their own threshold arguments courtesy the AWOL Year Nil in the Julian/Gregorian calendrical system).

Birthdates are an interesting example. In Western/European cultures, it's typical to count by full years elapsed, such that an infant within its first 12 months is 0 years old. In Asian cultures, the age is given as "1", which is reflected in an occasionally-used Western notion of "being in my nth year". That is, a 49 year old is in their 50th year.

What a clock (or calendar) indicates generally is what time period you are presently in, that is, the second of a minute, the minute of an hour, the hour of a day, day of a month, etc., etc. And what's relevant from this point of view is that the threshold is what matters.

The other problem touched on in this essay is of estimating time remaining to a future threshold, and here, rounding is indeed useful. If you have a 10am meeting and the time presently reads 9:55 am, you have fewer than five minutes to arrive punctually. But that is planning and not timekeeping issue, strictly.

tavavex 2 months ago

> It would be weird if we rounded for years, months and days, that's for sure. I think most people think of those scales as intervals. In other words, July is a period of time, with a start and an end. So are years, centuries, seasons. We are inside of it or outside.

I feel like my sense of time is different from the author's. While it can be useful to round the current hour/minute on some occasions, the information about which exact segment of the day/hour you're in can also be very useful. I can certainly tell that I ask the question of "when exactly is it going to be 12:00?" far more often than "how many seconds have statistically likely elapsed in the current minute?"

The biggest issue for me is that the precise moment of when one minute/hour transitions into the next is important for people. Like, when coordinating an event or meeting, would you prefer it if your clock indicated the precise moment when 12:59:59 becomes 13:00:00 and told you to start the meeting, or would it be better if the clock instead told you that it was "13ish" and you'd have to wait out ~30 seconds by counting in your head?

This also causes a jarring discontinuity - now clocks with a ticking hour hand appear to run 30 seconds late than clocks without, turning on the digital clock setting to show seconds offsets it, and so on. Some people celebrate New Year's or occasions that happen at a specific time 30 seconds early because they no longer have a strong reference point.

youainti 2 months ago

Clocks are used as inputs into decisions. So this doesn't matter as long as the decision process accounts for it. If I see that a meeting starts in 5 minutes, I'm not setting a timer get there in 300 seconds, I'm trying to decide if I have time to fill my water bottle on the way or not.

The post is a useful consideration to think if you are trying to do precise tasks though. See Keskival's post below about intervals vs moments to add some more precise ways of thinking.

HarHarVeryFunny 2 months ago

I'd be very surprised if a smartphone, syncing itself to a reference, is ignoring seconds. Why would it?

To me, if a clock that doesn't display seconds is displaying 09:30, then I assume the time could be anywhere between 09:30:00 and 09:30:59.

Presumably when setting the time on a device that doesn't display seconds, the seconds are being reset to 0 (i.e. setting time to 09:30 is setting it to 09:30:00), so if someone really cares about sub-minute accuracy they can take this into account.

panda-giddiness 2 months ago

> If it's 11:55, you would usually mentally subtract and conclude: the meeting is in 5 minutes. But the most probable estimate given the available information is actually 4'30"!

Admittedly I'm being a bit pedantic, but this isn't true. The expectation value might be 4'30", but the time is as likely to be 4'59" as 4'30"; assuming it's 4'30" will simply minimize your expected error.

o999 2 months ago

Does OP realize that people don't looks at 11:55 and think it means 11:55:00, but they think, it is just not 11:56 yet.

Computers and smart devices syncing to NTP doesn't have 30s average error rate, it is the author who has 30s average error rate in clock-reading if he reads a digital clock and think that the clock tells that no seconds has passed since the last time it added one minute.

Apes 2 months ago

RMSE of current digital clocks rounding down is roughly 34.5 seconds.

RMSE of proposed rounding to closest is 17.5 seconds.

The new method is roughly 17 seconds more accurate on average.

Does this reduced error make a significant difference? Probably not. There are very annoying practical issues with this proposal though.

Rounding down makes it clear what minute has already passed. If your clock says 3:00, you know the current time is definitely some point after 3:00. If something needs to happen at 3:00, and your clock says 3:00, it is time to start.

With this proposed method, 3:00 could mean anywhere from 2:29:30 to 3:00:30. When do you start? Do you start as soon as your clock says 3:00? Then you're starting 30 seconds early. Do you wait until your clock says 3:01? Then you're starting 30 seconds late.

And how do you set a clock that uses this scheme? If I want to set the clock to 3:00, do I wait until 2:59:30 and then set the clock to 3:00?

The headaches that arise from this scheme are not worth the trivial error reduction.

  • bux93 2 months ago

    Great example of the pitfalls of RMSE.

ainiriand 2 months ago

Somehow I do not think that the Big Ben transitions the minute`s hand by using the floor function from Python.

thedanbob 2 months ago

If you had two rounding digital clocks, one with seconds and one without, they would switch to the next minute 29.5 seconds apart. Everyone would hate that.

  • jillesvangurp 2 months ago

    Because it would be incorrect. Like the article's main premise. Flooring is the only correct behavior for minutes. And other time units.

    Big Ben may not show seconds but people would notice if it started bonging 30 seconds early or late with new year. Which would be the case if it rounded. It bongs right on time. That kind of is the point. The news doesn't start half a minute early or late either. And people joining meetings after the minute changes in their clock are technically a few seconds late.

Galanwe 2 months ago

Centuries are also 50 years late on average... And everyone is on average 6 months older than they say.

Also moving the rounding 1 place down doesn't solve anything. Now your second-resolution clock is on average 500ms late unless you move the decimal 1 place down again.

hnuser123456 2 months ago

All of this is made redundant by just... knowing this is how clocks work.

If you don't have a seconds hand/counter, you can't predict how many seconds are left in the current minute. If it's 11:45:01, it's 11:45 without seconds. If it's 11:45:59, it's still inside the minute-long interval known to everyone as 11:45. The clock can always be one second away from flipping to the next minute. I just mentally subtract one minute if I'm actually planning on being somewhere down to the fraction of a minute, and planning what I can do beforehand. Mentally subtracting 30 seconds is not any easier.

I don't see this as even having some kind of gimmicky benefit...

hammock 2 months ago

I use a certain trick a lot when cooking, or timing anything with precision of a several minutes:

0) Suppose I am steaming vegetables for 8 minutes

1) I will check what time I started them (say 5:30)

2) I will forget the number of seconds that were on the clock when I started

3) I will pull the vegetables off at 5:38:30

bena 2 months ago

All this does is move when the issue he claims exists presents itself.

If we flip the minute display at the 30, then the same problem occurs because if you start timing from the 20, the minute will change in ten seconds.

This article is just kind of stupid masquerading as smart.

dsubburam 2 months ago

The intended interpretation for clocks IMO is "we are now past this time".

Like a mile marker when you are running down a jogging track.

It doesn't matter if the granularity is one-day or even one-year, like the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Eve.

  • PeterCorless 2 months ago

    Anyone who has done timer or countdown-based work has to think the opposite. Whether that's sports or event production, rocket launches, or so on. You're not thinking about the time you've past/expended. You're thinking of the time you still have left. "Two minutes left in game." "We're live in 30 seconds" etc.

    • timerol 2 months ago

      NFL delay-of-game penalties are interesting for this, because when the clock first shows 0 seconds, that means that the team still has a full second to start the play.

    • lupire 2 months ago

      Countdown clocks run backwards, not forwards.

kwar13 2 months ago

What a nonsensical article. I could've used the 30 seconds I skimmed it back.

Someone 2 months ago

FTA: All the above clocks have one thing in common: they don't show seconds

One of those clocks is Big Ben in London.

“Drive to the hands is by an oblique shaft which drives bevel gears positioned centrally on a gantry above the clock, with four shafts running out to each dial. Because there is no remontoire the hands on the dials advance by 2 seconds every two seconds, i.e. at every swing of the pendulum“

⇒ if you look close enough, you can read the time at intervals of two seconds.

benatkin 2 months ago

I can imagine a 20 and a half year old in the US arguing this logic when fighting an underage drinking charge.

  • chatmasta 2 months ago

    Drivers licenses would be more accurate if they showed place of birth. Maybe the kid grows up to move to an eastern timezone and is accused of drinking a few hours early!

ifdefdebug 2 months ago

While you could argue that it's flooring, it feels much more like truncating. We have a inner representation of time that's like yyyymmdd-hhmmss-mmmm and we truncate it to the precision we need for a given task. If we need the month we truncate to yyyymm, and if we need hours we truncate to yyyymmdd-hh.

That's quit intuitive for all kind of time precision, and the author's rounding solution would be somewhat counterintuitive, at least for me.

tech_ken 2 months ago

One wrinkle here is the choice of signed error instead of eg. RMSE; absolute error metrics don't care about rounding vs. flooring. Since the conclusion of the analysis hinges on this choice of error metric, I think some justification or discussion of that choice adds interesting context.

Signed error implies that clock-imprecision "cancels"; that being 20 seconds late to your meeting will be undone by being 20 seconds early to lunch afterwards. I'm not sure if this is quite how people reason about 'lateness' though. Obviously in some applications it makes sense (ex. recording event times of some phenomenon of interest), but in scheduling my daily life that's not really how I think about things.

I think RMSE is closer to how people evaluate scheduling of stuff; it doesn't matter if I'm late or early, both will have notable consequences in unique ways. The ambivalence of the RMSE error to rounding vs. flooring is the intuition I would put behind the counterargument fielded by the author:

> But this is just a convention! Truncating, rounding or even ceiling are all valid, as long as we pick one and stick to it.

I think you can also squeeze some juice out of playing with the error metric further. If you want a 'just-in-time' schedule (ie. you want to never be early to anything) then the flooring clock is superior to the rounding clock. If you want the opposite then a ceiling-ing clock would be the best choice.

> Personally, I would never say that it's 10 if the clock shows anything past 10:30

I like to floor my times to the nearest 15-minute interval (10, quarter-past, half-past, quarter-to), only rounding once I've reached ~10:55

jerlam 2 months ago

I had a watchface on my Pebble smartwatch that only displayed time in five-minute intervals. This post is making me question whether it rounded up or not.

I have to assume it did because I didn't start being late for everything.

In case you want to see it:

veltas 2 months ago

Smart enough to make the proposition, but not smart enough to disprove it. Middling intelligence might be the greatest threat to society.

opan 2 months ago

I enable seconds on my PC and phone clocks, and basically anywhere it's an option. I enjoy seeing if two messages on IRC were just 3 seconds apart as it will often tell you the second person hasn't actually read the first person's message right before theirs (they were probably writing their messages at the same time). Something not obvious if you just see the minutes.

1832 2 months ago

I agree this is an interesting take and fun to think about. But if clocks rounded to the nearest minute instead of truncating, the average error would be still be greater than 0 I think, and not 0, as the author claims. Assuming a sufficiently large number of measurements taken at random times, I think the average error would be 15 seconds.

  • timerol 2 months ago

    The author meant "average error" in the systematic error sense, not the standard error sense. The minute display would be well calibrated, not precise to less than a minute.

devit 2 months ago

That's only the case if you interpret them as HH:MM:00. The issue is fixed if you interpret them as HH:MM:30 instead.

layman51 2 months ago

This post is fascinating but I think it is more mundane than I realized. I thought everyone knew that when a cheap digital kitchen timer shows a time like “0 H 1 M”, that actually means you have exactly 60 seconds or fewer for its alarm to go off.

I might be wrong, but there was a Prince of Persia game (maybe for Game Boy?) that had the same timer behavior. It would show the time remaining to complete the level in minutes and would jump immediately from “1 minute” to 0.

The iOS podcast app is more sophisticated than that. It normally displays how many minutes remain in the playing podcast episode. But what is cool is that at the 30 second boundary, it will decrease one minute. For example, it is at -24:30 or -24:29 that it will go from saying “25 minutes remaining” to “24 minutes remaining.” Then when 30 seconds are left, it is nice enough to show you a countdown of the seconds.

  • fouronnes3 2 months ago

    Yeah, I've seen a lot of countdown UIs that incorrectly start beeping as soon as "1s" becomes "0s". In fact they should start beeping exaclty 1 second after that change.

    I'm sure this is actually an intentional design decision because starting to beep at 0.99 (displayed 0) feels more correct, even though it isn't.

geor9e 2 months ago

I have about a dozen of the absolute cheapest digital clocks around my house, and every single one, I set it to the next integer minute then waited for 00s to hit the button that makes the : blink. So, even if every other person on earth fails to do this, the average is below 30s just due to me.

atoav 2 months ago

The argument is a bit like saying decimals are wrong because the one in "10" jumps to one after you counted to 9, which is 90% of the range and not 50%.

But that is the point of using multiple digits. Similarily the point of using multiple units of time is that each of the parts is in it self correct. 15:30 always means it is after the 15th hour and after the 30th minute.

If you want to know it more precisely you either wait till the minute changes or you get a clock with seconds. With the proposed system you would not know if the time is before or after the 30th minute. Also: why stop at the minute? You could also round the hour.. But that would introduce a weird jump and the minute would suddenly be negative 30.

sam_goody 2 months ago

There was a clock on HN a while ago (which I cannot now find) - it has one mode in which the clock only updates itself every random number of seconds, or ticks at different times within each second, oor ticks according to a MIDI tune as well as it can while staying within 30 seconds of the real time.

So, while you can just set your clock forward 30 seconds and be done with it, there are some variations that someone who likes thinking about this are worth playing with.

[My favorite mode of the referenced clock, sets the clock randomly ahead between 1-5 min. Since you don't know how much your clock is off by, you have to assume your clock is on time, and that will give you an average 2.5 minutes to actually show up on time.]

fortran77 2 months ago

On a larger analog clock, you can clearly see the minute hand progress from one minute mark to another.

  • geocar 2 months ago

    It doesn't have to be large: My wristwatch does it.

    • scarby2 2 months ago

      i don't think the above comment is saying it has to be large, just that it's less obvious on a smaller clock

ss64 2 months ago

Any clock which doesn't have a seconds display is probably not accurate to the second and is also very unlikely to have been set to the exact second. Those 2 factors together mean a good chance the time is > 30 seconds out, making the original point moot.

sukmaagung 2 months ago


When I make word clock, I make it change from "SATU LEBIH DUA" ("ONE PLUS TWO", 01:02:00) to "SATU LEBIH TIGA" ("ONE PLUS THREE", 01:03:00) at 01:02:30.

But if I make digital clock, I make it change from 01:02 to 01:03 at 01:03:00.

gamblor956 2 months ago

This author is either an idiot or does not understand the concept of precision.

It's very surprising that this article has engendered so much support of what he is saying.

10:01:01 and 10:01:59 are both still 10:01, because a minute is a discrete unit of time. Rounding the minute to the next minute is simply wrong. Similarly, rounding to the next hour is also wrong and nobody does this except apparently the author. (Note: 15:48 is almost 1600 but is not 1600.) People might round to the nearest five or ten minutes for convenience (i.e., when reading an analog clock) but that hasn't been a thing since the switch to digital clocks.

garbagepatch 2 months ago

Summer starts at the solstice, when the day is the longest. But by then half the length of the season already passed with the day approaching that point. So I think the seasons are half a season off (seasonal lag notwithstanding).

magic_smoke_ee 2 months ago

All dumb, manual, HH:MM clocks, that is, unless the setter had patience and used a minute-crossing boundary to synchronize, reducing the error to ~1 second and resets them frequently to not drift more than a maximum of say 10 seconds. Most dumb clocks are likely to have an error of a minute or more because of cumulative drift and few people correct them until they are wildly wrong, say 5 minutes or more.

Or eschew the entire class of problem of daylight savings and drift with a GNSS- or radio time beacon-controlled clock.

necovek 2 months ago

If you do care about what second it is, you can still be 59s off: eg. if the "rounded" clock shows 12:30, it could be 12:29:30 all the way to 12:30:29.

The error is reduced on average if you only care how far away from exact minute you are, but you simultaneously never know when it is the exact minute.

The question is really about what's more generally useful: the offset of 30s is usually not important enough, which is why most clocks only show hours and minutes. Where it matters, higher precision is used.

Some of the social constructs would be less meaningful (like New Year countdown) as most watches and clocks would show midnight 30s early.

UniverseHacker 2 months ago

I am really annoyed that it is almost universal to show only minutes on clocks- when so much in my life at least depends on knowing time to the second. Even modern digital devices like an iPhone make it really hard to get a seconds readout, when the cost of doing so should be zero.

Some of the things I need precise seconds for frequently in my daily life: buying tickets to concerts, campsites, and kids camps before they sell out, checking into Southwest flights, sailboat race starts, and starting/joining virtual meetings I am hosting.

Am I that weird that this is something I need at least once a day that nobody else seems to need or want?

  • stackghost 2 months ago

    Almost nothing in my life or career to date has depended on knowing time to the second.

    Why does it matter if your noon meeting starts at 11:59 or 12:01?

    • UniverseHacker 2 months ago

      It’s wasteful of other peoples time to show up to a meeting late, and wasteful of my own to be early. I’d like to be as precise as practical. Meetings filled with high paid experts are incredibly expensive- one should get every detail right to save time. One little thing might not matter, but if you pay attention to a lot of little details in running a meeting efficiently- including starting as close to on time as you can, it saves a lot of time.

TimTheTinker 2 months ago

This blog post is a really good argument. The kicker for me was that we all generally switch to rounding when asked for the hour (without minutes) but don't round when asked for the minute (without seconds). That's an inconsistency for which there doesn't seem to be a good reason.

However, this inconsistency only exists orally. When a device displays the time, it never rounds. Changing the convention would probably be very confusing for a lot of people, at least initially.

For now, I'm convinced that when communicating the minute orally, I should round to the nearest minute, just like I do with hours.

  • necovek 2 months ago

    Verbally, IME, people mostly round to quarters of an hour (exact hour, quarter past, half past, quarter to).

    I've never heard anyone say it's 4pm when it was 3.31pm.

hinkley 2 months ago

This could be a good allegory for sampling intervals. I’m forever having to explain to people that if they are looking at data every 60 seconds they can take a lot longer to notice a problem than common sense would suggest. Your new information shows up on average 30 seconds late and up to 59.99999 seconds late. If you’re trying to compare the last two samples to detect a problem then you’re going to see it up to 2 minutes after it already started, since it could start 1 ms after the first sample. Particularly in systems where multiple actors are using periodic actions.

ajb 2 months ago

"It's just a convention"

This is correct. In fact, in one sense our clocks could be argued to be minutes out, on average: originally time was measured by the sun. But by the sun, the earth doesn't rotate in exactly the same time each day during the year. So a clock assuming each day is the same length (like they all do) accumulates an error with respect to sun time of more than 16 minutes,and then loses it again, in a cycle.

But we just collectively decided that it was simpler not to bother with that. We changed the convention so that time is marked with respect to an average day length

jordansmithnz 2 months ago

While interesting this is just… wrong. Imagine a world where:

- I tell people I’m 50 years old but I’m really just 49 1/2

- My phone says it’s Jan 7th but it’s really afternoon on Jan 6th

- My coworker says they’re a sr engineer because they’ve been told that they’ll definitely be promoted soon

Rounding shouldn’t be applied everywhere. Some things in life are supposed to use a floor function; common sense applies and most folks intuitively know that 1:00pm means ‘between 1:00 and 1:01pm’.

  • timerol 2 months ago

    TFA goes into the author's opinion around when to floor and when to round, and notes that "hours" is the largest interval where rounding feels right.

jakebasile 2 months ago

The article is claiming that clocks that only show time truncated to a minute are off by an average of 30 seconds, which just isn't true in practice. When I say or hear 11:30, I assume it can be within 11:30:00 and 11:30:59. Humans rarely need accuracy to the second beyond this, so clocks intended to be used by humans truncate to the minute without causing problems. To say they are "late" is a real leap.

I mean, you can reduce this to absurdity too. A clock truncating to seconds is off by an average of 500 milliseconds! The problem is no one cares in day to day usage which is what human readable clocks are made for.

  • necovek 2 months ago

    > When I say or hear 11:30, I assume it can be within 11:30:00 and 11:30:59.

    And if you cared about seconds-precision, you would assume 11:30:30, and thus your error would average the same 15s.

    The difference is that when you observe a minute change, you know that's exactly at zero seconds (instead of 30 — or 31 if you apply the same rounding rule to seconds).

    It is fair to ask a question if rounding would be more useful (nope), but the entire article is incoherent and speaks mostly of the author's confusion.

taeric 2 months ago

Amusingly, one of my kids gets very frustrated with how I answer what time it is on most requests. Most of my answers will be of what the nearest relevant time is. I will never bother determining what the exact minute is from my watch. As I just can't see the value of that. Even from a digital watch, I don't see the need in giving a majorly different answer to the same question within 5 minutes or so.

  • lxgr 2 months ago

    That's how people commonly give time in my language, I suspect mainly out of convenience:

    Quarter hour precision is possible to achieve with at most five syllables (and typically just two); compare that to minute-level precision, which usually takes at least 5 and sometimes as many as 10.

    Interestingly, spoken times also commonly use the 12 hour clock, while times are almost exclusively written as 23 hours.

  • bschwindHN 2 months ago

    I was always annoyed at my parents for doing this when I was a kid. When anyone asks me the time I always read out the minutes for whatever time my phone shows me. Maybe someone wants to make a particular bus or train and the more precise timing is appreciated, who knows!

    • 1718627440 2 months ago

      I would same, that at is communicated by the length of the stare you get after telling the time.

agentkilo 2 months ago

Well I was bothered by a similar problem when tweaking my StumpWM modeline long time ago.

I wanted to show the seconds in the clock on my modeline, but the modeline has a fixed refresh rate, which I set to 1HZ. Then I realized my clock can never be accurate.

Eventually I chose to hide the seconds to stop myself from having those nightmares, but I think they are coming back after reading this article.

joestrong 2 months ago

A slightly related thing I think about someone's, is if I look at the time and it's 13:05 and then I do a task and when I finish a task it's 13:10, you could say that took 5 minutes, but because we can't see the seconds each time could be up to a minute out. So a total of 2 minutes error! Quite big if you're timing something small like 5 minutes!

codewritero 2 months ago

Analog clocks mostly don't have the problem the author is complaining about since most minute hands move once per second and you can easily see (depending on your eyesight and distance to the clock) that the minute is partially consumed.

I agree though that this is a downside to digital clocks which don't show seconds, though whether the best fix is to round instead of averaging is hard to say.

randallsquared 2 months ago

> If it's 11:55, you would usually mentally subtract and conclude: the meeting is in 5 minutes. That's how I always do it myself anyway! But the most probable estimate given the available information is actually 4'30"!

But if you want to say it's M minutes, then it's either 4 or 5, and 4:30 rounds to 5, so it all works out once more! :)

johnea 2 months ago

Another perfect example of wasted disk space and bandwidth on the internet 8-/

Not to mention a waste of the one truely nonrenewable resource, our time...

valbaca 2 months ago

I think a good part of this comes from how we often mention time: "It's half past two" is interpreted to mean: "it's at least half past two"

If we round seconds, why not microseconds/etc?

Ticking clocks let us know what time it is "at least" and uses the minutes :00 as the "barrier" Shifting that to :30 only causes more confusion IMO

  • rantallion 2 months ago

    > "It's half past two" is interpreted to mean: "it's at least half past two"

    I think most people would have no issue calling 14:28 "half past two". There's no "at least" to it, just an approximation.

  • timerol 2 months ago

    If it was 2:27 and I asked you the time, I would be much happier with "half past two" than "quarter past two"

  • ahazred8ta 2 months ago

    The Hunt for Red October gave us "He always goes to starboard in the bottom half of the hour."

ccppurcell 2 months ago

I would argue that eg 13:00 represents an interval, not a moment. So there is no error. But I appreciate the nerdy level of detail.

chikere232 2 months ago

This would be an overengineered version of "I set my watch early so I'm not late" except that they argue that all watches should be set early, making it fundamentally pointless

12:00 meetings now start at 11:59:30 and you're still late

Get a seconds precision watch if you care about seconds level accuracy

seanalltogether 2 months ago

You said it yourself, the data is truncated. We shouldn't be rounding time one way or the other, just truncating it.

err4nt 2 months ago

A delightful read, though I disagree. Unless we were going to introduce half-minute units (which decreases the scale of the error, but makes it twice as numerous) then shifting our minute units by a half value doesn't seem to actually solve the problem, doesn't it only shift it to a slightly different location?

glitchc 2 months ago

So this is not about all clocks but more about all clocks that do not show seconds. In that case, sure.

gkfasdfasdf 2 months ago

I don't think rounding clocks would be any more useful in the scenario about mentally calculating how many minutes until the meeting at noon, because a rounding clock would show noon 30 seconds earlier, so the average difference between 11:55 and noon in a rounded clock vs a floor clock is still 4.5 minutes.

yellowapple 2 months ago

One can speculate that current clocks are already rounding to the nearest minute instead of truncating, i.e. already accounting for this, relative to some hypothetical clock that's 30 seconds slower.

edgarvaldes 2 months ago

If you use round instead of floor an error persists. So all clocks that don't show seconds are always wrong.

inasio 2 months ago

One often unappreciated and amazing thing about the GPS-on-cellphones era is that nowadays everyone has the exact time. Up to the late 20th century it wasn't trivial to have the right time, in fact there was a three digit phone number you could call to get the right time (up to the minute).

zazaulola 2 months ago

Has anyone ever wondered why in the US the week starts on Sunday, but in Europe and Asia it starts on Monday?

  • Ylpertnodi 2 months ago

    I work in week starts on a Sunday.

    • lxgr 2 months ago

      Where in Europe is that?

  • lxgr 2 months ago

    Yes, and it's infuriating if software draws the conclusion that, simply because I happen to be in region x (or even worse, using language x), I must also want date presentation, units of temperature and distance etc. to be according to customs in x.

    At least macOS/iOS at this point mostly allow customizing many of these, but some native apps and date picker widgets still don't respect my preferences, driving me nuts every time I have to schedule a reminder or meeting.

ijidak 2 months ago

Unrelated, but I've always wanted a clock that is randomly fast so that I never know exactly how fast it is.

At worst, maybe I can set a maximum "fastness" setting.

Then peeking at the actual time has minimal value over the long run.

I'm sure this already exists. But I haven't come across it yet.

harrall 2 months ago

If I actually have to be on time and it says 11:55, I’m not going to wait 5 minutes. I would wait 4 minutes.

If it’s more fluid, then 5 minutes is a fine estimation.

OP’s suggestion of rounding the minutes wouldn’t change anything except make what I’m doing complex.

stackghost 2 months ago

TFA fatally misunderstands what clocks actually measure. They measure the amount of time that has elapsed. When we say "it's quarter after noon" what we really mean is that 12 hours and 15 minutes have elapsed since 00:00. The reason clocks don't round up is because that's simply wrong.

A minute hasn't elapsed at xx:xx:36, it has only elapsed after :59

tl;dr The author of TFA doesn't actually understand what clocks measure.

Phrodo_00 2 months ago

> Is it the same for the current minute of the current hour ? I'm not so sure.

Yes it is. Appointments start at the beginning of the minute, not the average. (And while changing clocks WOULD change that, I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense)

philip1209 2 months ago

Perhaps, to be more precise, "How should clocks without a second-hand round?"

bilsbie 2 months ago

Side note. I’m more bothered by this issue on digital thermostats.

I don’t even know if they’re flooring or rounding. And sometimes half a degree makes all the difference. I do wish they’d do temperatures out to one decimal point.

TomK32 2 months ago

My computer's clock say "twenty five past ten" and I don't even take offense about the missing "-" in twenty five. It's close enough for me.

pmg101 2 months ago

I definitely start saying I'm $age+1 as I approach that birthday, as it seems more accurate. Round, not floor.

Although I have to say I've not really encountered other people doing this.

nmeofthestate 2 months ago

> It would be weird if we rounded for years, months and days, that's for sure ...

> Is it the same for the current minute of the current hour ?

> I'm not so sure.

I'm sure - it's the same.

encom 2 months ago

>Please someone tell me I'm not crazy

No, it's probably just autism.

moi2388 2 months ago

We don’t floor clocks, we usually put them up on the wall..

taylorbuley 2 months ago

This is true across other domains! If trains are spaced exactly 10 minutes apart and you arrive at a random time, the expected waiting time is 5 minutes, for example.

  • timerol 2 months ago

    This makes me wonder how train countdown clocks are programmed, and if "1 minute away" means "60-120 seconds away" or "30-90 seconds away".

smokedetector1 2 months ago

I'm not trying to be snarky but I really don't see why this matters. It's just a convention. We are not robots, not everything has to be 100% precise.

  • garbagepatch 2 months ago

    Only robots floor, humans truncate.

smcameron 2 months ago

Just sitting here with my mechanical automatic watch like some kind of renaissance fair re-enactor. Probably off by a few seconds, but probably less than 30.

nelsondev 2 months ago

Perhaps we could retitle the link, as it stands a bit click-baity.

Perhaps, average error of clocks is 30 seconds higher because minutes use .floor() nor .round()

  • tommi 2 months ago

    The whole post feels like nonsense.

    • taco_emoji 2 months ago

      It is. It's just taking something obvious and recontextualizing in language that sounds like a Mysterious Conspiracy when it's really just a banal truth we all take for granted because all the other options make less sense. Like using tau over pi in geometry.

  • add-sub-mul-div 2 months ago

    This hall monitor mentality in every comments section is more annoying than titles ever are.

  • benatkin 2 months ago

    I like to think of it as TRUNC

    • zazaulola 2 months ago

      For positive numbers, both the FLOOR() and TRUNC() functions return the same values

      • benatkin 2 months ago

        And for negative numbers it's CEIL()!

        And in SQL Server, ROUND() with a nonzero number for the third parameter for truncate, and CELING() for ceiling.

zombiwoof 2 months ago

What a waste of 30 seconds of my life reading that

chkaloon 2 months ago

I also thought it was interesting when basketball essentially added 1 second to each game by including tenths on the game clock

TZubiri 2 months ago

"It would be weird if we rounded for years, months and days, that's for sure. "

We round years too, otherwise I would be in my 30s.

syntheticnature 2 months ago

Worse yet, our calendars are all 12 hours off!

yu3zhou4 2 months ago

I thought about it as a kid, you're definitely not crazy Victor, and I appreciate that you wrote this piece

pkilgore 2 months ago

Fun scissor. Seems to depend on your personal definition of "error", with respect to time.

idunnoman1222 2 months ago

Except analog clocks, remember those?

  • jgrahamc 2 months ago

    Yes. My Casio on my wrist has a minute hand that creeps slowly from minute to minute.

  • Bootvis 2 months ago

    The article does have a picture of an analog clock (The Big Ben) I think. The problem is not analog but showing seconds or not.

    • stvswn 2 months ago

      I don't think so, because the sweeping motion of minute hand is effectively continuous rather than discrete, so there's no truncation. At 4:53:30 the minute hand will be correctly in between 4:53 and 4:54, if one (like the author) cares about such precision.

    • tialaramex 2 months ago

      Technically Big Ben is the bell, the clock has typically been referred to as the Great Clock because that's sufficient explanation of what you meant. The tower, which like the clock is often referred to just as "Big Ben" colloquially, was formally named "Elizabeth Tower" in honour of the late Queen some years ago.

    • cortesoft 2 months ago

      Depends if the analog clock “ticks” on the minute or if it does a constant movement during the minute.

    • serviceberry 2 months ago

      Not really. A mechanical analog clock will typically have smooth motion, so 30 seconds into a minute, the minute hand will be halfway between two values.

      Most quartz watches with analog displays work the same. I don't know about Big Ben, but it's possible the author is wrong about that example.

Zobat 2 months ago

This article tries to redefine the correct time by pointing to clocks that are not precise.

vikingerik 2 months ago

Yup. I have my clocks in the house set 30 seconds ahead to counteract exactly this.

imdsm 2 months ago

I enjoyed this article for it's tongue-in-cheek approach. Thanks Victor!

turnsout 2 months ago

Wow, I’ve never read a wronger take in my life, and that’s saying something!

  • turnsout 2 months ago

    Like even flat earth is more reasonable than this

jjslocum3 2 months ago

Plenty of nitpicking here, for me this piece was a fun and clever thought-ride.

qianli_cs 2 months ago

I think truncating down allows us to procrastinate a little more :)

riwsky 2 months ago

That’s a bit of a cup half-empty way to think about it, innit

raldi 2 months ago

This is like asserting that all calendars are 12 hours late.

briffid 2 months ago

People are usually interested in the transients.

intellectualx 2 months ago

All the way to the miliseconds I strongly disagree!

buro9 2 months ago

It's been 2025 for 6 months already...

layer8 2 months ago

This is why I dislike clocks without seconds.

snowwrestler 2 months ago

A clock is not showing you what time it is, a clock is showing you what time it most recently was. It is marking time, not embodying time.

calini 2 months ago

I'm sorry, you are crazy.

hkon 2 months ago

I show seconds in windows clock

kuon 2 months ago

Now I need to extrapolate this to explain why I am 10-30minutes late every time.