solardev 2 hours ago

All the cool kids are on VScode or Cursor, but I still use and love my boring old Jetbrains IDEs every day. It makes me feel old every time I see someone else's screenshot and realize I am pretty much the only one in all the companies I've ever worked for who likes Jetbrains. Too bad! It's a great IDE.

JohnFen an hour ago

None of the tools I use are actually outdated. If they were, I'd stop using them. However, I have no idea what would be considered "outdated" by the standards of most HN readers, so I can't actually answer this question.

alexitosrv 3 hours ago

I still depend heavily on textfx npp plugins for many mundane tasks, such as quickly sorting a few lines in a text file and I have not bothered to find a replacement so far, like in almost 2 decades hehehe

muzani 3 hours ago

I like Sublime Text because it's fast, has multiple cursors. And it's pretty. It's redundant with Obsidian but it just feels good.